모래시계 속 오토바이 suzuki vs700 인트루더

suzuki vs700

suzuki vs700

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모래시계 속 최민수씨가 타던 오토바이 suzuki vs700 intruder (인트루더700)

한국에서는 suzuki vs800 intruder이 몇대 돌아다니는것을 보긴 보았지만

suzuki vs700 intruder은 그 희소성도 높고 사이즈나 뭐나 맘에 들어서 가져오게 되었다.

무엇보다 파란 펄감있는 순정색상이 너무 이뻤다.

드라마 모래시계


일단 모래시계를 아는 세대라면

가로수길사이 요장면 최민수씨가 타는 요모습 suzuki vs700 intruder

인트루더의 자태를 확인할수있다.

“모래시계”는 1995년에 방영된 대한민국의 텔레비전 드라마로,

역사적인 배경과 가족 이야기를 다루는 작품이다.

이 드라마는 한국의 현대사를 중심으로 한 여러 가지 이슈와 사건들을 다루며,

국내외에서 큰 인기를 얻었다. 즉 지금 봐도 재밌다.

suzuki vs700 제원

없다 정보가 없다ㅠㅠ

결국 해외 포럼을 뒤지다뒤지다 몇개 찾아내서 링크를



해외 라이더 리뷰를 보면

suzuki vs700 review

suzuki vs700 intruder They could see it as soon as I rode my new Suzuki Intruder into town. No other cruiser looks as custom. No other V-twin sounds this mean.No other streetbike had ever grabbed their attention like my Intruder. Chrome on chrome on chrome. From its headlight right down to its 60-spokc wheels, Intruder is mean, clean and classic.And underneath Intruders heart-thumping good looks Suzuki packed the leanest 45° V-twin on the road.That’s what grabbed my soul.
‘Cause when I’m riding my Intruder
I become an Intruder. It’s
like we were made for each other.
Like we’re one single moving part. Man, the difference between my
Intruder and every other bike on
the street is as plain as black
and white. suzuki vs700 intruder
vs700 review
Another rider review:suzuki vs700 intruder I came across this, when looking for a used bike to get back into riding. I purchased it from its original lady owner. Maroon, pullback handlebars & one of the rare things – the snowflake cast alloy wheels. Since the used bike market was tight, I settled on this one & took the gamble on buying it on first impression & a test ride. 2 years & 10,000 miles later, it’s a decision I don’t regret.

V-twin engine has plenty of get up & go, very good low end take-off. It is cold blooded though. I do allow it to warm up before taking off, otherwise it’s sluggish.

Nice handling & riding, Shaft drive is smooth.

I got rid of the factory seat, & put a Mustang Regal Duke on it. Mustang stated it would not fit my year, but if you have the model with the slightly higher factory back rest, (Mine, has the small luggage rack on it – maybe is why) it is a direct bolt-on. The only thing I had to alter, was to secure the back rest of this one piece seat to the toolbox front where it locks with heavy adhesive backed Velcro. I cut out around the toolbox lock cylinder, & also cut off the plastic pins of the toolbox front that the grommets of the original back rest would secure to. I bought an extra toolbox front, should I ever put the stock seat back on should I sell this bike, as my intention is to someday, upgrade to an 800 model, which this seat also will fit.

Having an exhaust with a pipe on each side, unlike some of the bikes equipped with stacked pipes on one side, allows for a nice pair of mid-sized saddlebags with no worry of getting burned from hot pipes – plenty of clearance. One thing I did do on this model, was find a plastic cap to put over the rear axle nut & wrap tape over it to secure, to prevent the exposed axle nut from rubbing through the saddlebag the side it’s on.

Pretty easy to maintain – changing engine oil, rear gear oil. I’ll find out about changing coolant, as I plan on replacing the hoses this year, also with changing the clutch & front brake fluids. Front & rear wheels are easily removed & installed. This is another bike that does not have a center stand – a motorcycle jack is a big help & a wise investment.

Personal dislikes – there are not too many:
Bike feels bulky when pushing backwards – weight is not well distributed. My wife bought a 2008 Yamaha 650 V-Star Classic, & even though 100 lbs. heavier, it does not feel heavier.

No tach – I have found aftermarket ones available for it, & they are reasonably priced.

Having to remove the radiator cover to check the coolant level.

5 Speed gearbox – 6th gear overdrive would have been nice to have had, like some of the others in its class. I’m usually in 5th gear between 35-40 mph. I’m pretty good at counting gears, but there are still times I think I’m in 4th, not 5th & I find myself searching to see if I have one left.
뭐 이렇다고 한다.

전세계 사람들이 다들 불편하게 느끼는 부분들은 비슷한가 보다

스즈키의 아메리칸이라 뭔가 다른건 없을까 하고 오래타보았지만

예상했던 딱 그맛이라 뭐라 할말은 없다. 순정 머플러의 배압과 배기가 영 맘에 안들어서

피쉬테일 머플러로 바꾸었으나 일단 구변이 안되었고, 머플러에서

오토바이 탄내가 올라와서 다시 순정으로 바꾸는등 문제도 많았다.

suzuki vs700
suzuki vs700
suzuki vs700 intruder

거기에 내가 탈때는 가져오자마자 앞포크가 터져버렸는데

그것도 앞포크 두개중 왼쪽 포크만 터져서 자꾸 오토바이가

왼쪽으로 쏠리는등 여튼 거지같았다.

모래시계 속 오토바이 suzuki vs700 인트루더 1
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder

그래도 v트윈의 sohc 엔진맛은 어떨지 참 궁금했는데

결론은 그냥 아메리칸은 할리타자가 되어버린 바이크

빠르게 처분 되었고, 언제 왔다갔는지도 애매한 바이크가 되어버렸다.

suzuki vs750 intruder 한번 타보기에는 괜찮았지만

소장하기에는 별로다……

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suzuki vs700 intruder
suzuki vs700 intruder

룩은 이쁜거 인정….

아 글써놓고 보니 다시 생각나는 신기한 바이크일세….

suzuki vs700 intruder review finish